
 centrally heated knickers

Centrally Heated Knickers by Michael Rosen

Jam packed full of poems that children can understand as well as giggle at. The children don’t even know they are learning. Centrally Heated Knickers can be used to open discussion at the beginning of virtually any science topic. The poems in Centrally Heated Knickers are about sound, ears and hearing, but they are also about electricity, evaporation/condensation, light, muscles, movement and much more.

Check out some of the poems for free here: http://www.centrallyheatedknickers.co.uk/more-stuff-about-science.html

Simplicity of Electricity

The simplicity of electricity is that it never tires of going down wires.

The invention of plugs was to stop mugs who touch wires becoming electric fires.

The simplicity of electricity is that it seems to know it cannot flow through plastic.


The book is available to purchased here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Centrally-Heated-Knickers-Puffin-Poetry/dp/0141306718

Book number 4 will be coming soon!