
Elliott Education

Getting it right!


October 29, 2015

Welcome to Elliott Education


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Computing Curriculum: Coding

Hi All,

Are you just as confused as I am about the new computing curriculum?

I researched the terms algorithm, debugging and coding before I started and I know that this is enough to send some teachers running for the hills.

As much as we see the curriculum change there are companies that aim to fill the gap in the market.

Below are a couple of links for apps and websites that have been recommended to me or I have used.

Check them out, they may be beneficial to you and you school or even for your children to use at home.

I have also just completed a computing course with the University of Reading in conjunction with Future Learn. These are their programs which I feel would suit upper key stage 2 or lower key stage 3.


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Click on the link so you can get a copy of the 4B4Me table. You can print this on A3 and laminate it for your classroom.

Another Video

Hi Guys,

Attached is another of my videos that I made for parents, children and teachers.

I was having a thought today, I know, don’t let it burn my brain. 🙂

In my classroom we use something called 4B4Me (a way to encourage children’s resilience and independence when learning)

These videos can be left playing in the background, on your interactive whiteboard while children complete the task. They will then have a way to check their work. “Am I doing this right?”

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